RBI DEPR Exam Test Series 2024
Why Testonomics RBI DEPR Mock Tests are Chosen by Toppers
- At least 14 Mock Tests in Total (Check Schedule for Details)
- Does NOT include Any Descriptive Tests
- Works only on a Laptop (and NOT on a mobile )
- Login Allowed from only a Single Device. Login from More than One Device (without prior Approval) Will Lead to Termination of the Subscription. No Refund Eligible
- Validity : RBI DEPR 2024 Phase-2 Exam
- Detailed Solutions of All Questions of the Mock Tests (unless the question is a Straight Forward One)
- No Individual Doubt Support (unless it is related to any confusion from a question of the Test Series)
- Download Schedule of Test Series
- Refer to FAQs for Details
RBI DEPR Test Series Enrollment Procedure
- Payment can be made after Login to the Test Portal
- Click Here to Login to the Test Portal
RBI DEPR Exam is an annual exam conducted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to recruit Research Officers (RBI DEPR Cadre) in their Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR). Candidates should begin the preparation of RBI DEPR Exam by understanding the RBI DEPR Exam Syllabus, having a look RBI DEPR Previous Years Papers to understand the RBI DEPR Exam Pattern and incorporating the RBI DEPR Mock Tests into your strategy to prepare for the RBI DEPR Exam.
Testonomics is the leader in RBI DEPR Exam Preparation Guidance. Many RBI DEPR Exam toppers have benefited immensely from Testonomics RBI DEPR Exam Online Course and Test Series.
How to Enroll in the RBI DEPR Test Series ?
The RBI DEPR Test Series can be attempted ONLY on a laptop /desktop. Please use a google chrome browser (even on macbook). You will be allowed to login only from ONE Laptop / Desktop.
To Enroll in our RBI DEPR Exam 2024 Test Series:
- Login to the Testonomics web portal, by clicking here
- If you don’t have an account already, please register by clicking here
- After login, click on ‘RBI DEPR 2024 Test Series’ on left-side panel. After that, click on ‘Buy Now’ button given on right side.
- Proceed Ahead and enter the Billing Address (District / City name and State Name).
- Complete Payment
Congrats. The RBI DEPR Phase-1 Exam Test Series has been activated
RBI DEPR Exam Test Series Schedule
Our RBI DEPR 2024 Test Series will consist of 14 Mock Tests , which will be released as per the (tentative) schedule. Download the RBI DEPR Exam 2024 Test Series Schedule here.
RBI DEPR Exam Mock Tests
Testonomics has been providing the most useful RBI DEPR Exam Test Series since RBI DEPR 2021 Exam. Over the last 3 years (RBI DEPR 2021, RBI DEPR 2022 and RBI DEPR 2023 Examinations), we have assisted preparation needs of many candidates, successfully ! Many selected candidates have candidly expressed their appreciation for Testonomics’s RBI DEPR Test Series : Read RBI DEPR Exam Success Stories here.
And for the RBI DEPR 2024 Exam, we aim to do the same. The best Test Series for RBI DEPR Exam consists of approx. 500 objective type questions on Economics, divided across approx. 8 sectional tests, 3 subject tests and 3 full-length tests, targeted at RBI DEPR Phase-I Exam.
Why is Testonomics Test Series for RBI DEPR Exam considered the best ?
Testonomics provides the Best Online Course and Test Series for the RBI DEPR Exam.
There are several reasons why Testonomics RBI DEPR Test Series is considered the best. One, Testonomics attempts to cover the entire syllabus of the RBI Grade B DEPR Exam through our Test Series. Two, the detailed solution (unless its straightforward question) of each question of RBI DEPR Test Series will be available in the Solutions Panel , which will help you cover the questions / topics which you couldn’t answer correctly. Three, the Solution Panel will contain links to webpages / videos that may contain explanation of the topics or additional questions /assignments which will help you develop a holistic understanding of the topic. Four, You will also get an option of adding a question to the list of ‘Important Questions’ for quicker access later on.
In case you have more queries, you may refer to RBI DEPR Frequently Asked Questions for details.
Does RBI DEPR Test Series include Trial Test also ?
No. But we do understand that you may want to cross-check the quality of Testonomics RBI DEPR Exam Mock Tests. So, here’s our solution:
Testonomics provides 7-Days’ Money Back Guarantee on its RBI DEPR Exam Test Series. That is, within 7 days of enrolling in RBI DEPR Test Series, you can attempt any 02 Mock Tests and then, if you decide to NOT continue with the Test Series, just drop us a message (within 7 days of making the payment) and we will issue full-refund. No questions asked. Hence,, you can attempt 2 Mock Tests Risk-Free for the RBI DEPR Exam.
Please note that refund will NOT be applicable if either : (i) You have attempted more than 2 Mock Tests OR ; (ii) You have dropped us a message after 7 days of making the payment.
What this Test Series Doesn’t Include ?
This RBI DEPR Exam Test Series doesn’t include: (i) It doesn’t include Tests on English Descriptive Exam (ii) It does not include RBI DEPR Phase-II (Descriptive Tests) Mock Tests.
How will the RBI DEPR 2024 Test Series Differ from the RBI DEPR 2023 Test Series ?
Our objective is to create the most comprehensive and useful Test Series for the RBI DEPR 2024 Exam and hence we will be improving upon the RBI DEPR 2023 Test Series by adopting the following approach :
- Improve Solutions of Previously Framed Questions: By including more links to explanation / additional RBI DEPR Exam questions /assignments, wherever feasible.
- Include Additional Questions: If we feel that any important concept or question is not already represented in the Test Series, we will include additional questions also (primarily in the Full-Length Tests).
- Revamped Full-Length Tests: The RBI DEPR Exam Full-Length Tests will be revamped to suit the latest pattern and syllabus of the RBI DEPR Examination.
Please note that most of the questions in the RBI DEPR Exam 2024 Test Series will be identical to the RBI DEPR Exam 2023 Test Series.The additional questions will be included primarily in the RBI DEPR Exam 2024 Full-Length Tests.
Note: In the full-length tests, we will stick to having only 1-mark and 2-mark questions (just as the pattern followed in the RBI DEPR 2023 Phase-1 Exam). However, in the sectional tests and subject tests, we may have 3-mark or 4-mark question as well. Please do not consider them to be unimportant from exam’s point of view. For example,any sub-component of a 4-mark question can be asked as a 1-mark or 2-mark question.
Ideal Way to Utilise the RBI DEPR Exam Test Series ?
This section is important, so please read it attentively. Testonomics RBI DEPR Test Series provides an opportunity to identify gaps in your preparation and fill them. Also, you would get an understanding of important topics, as per recent pattern of the RBI DEPR examination.
To reap maximum benefits from the RBI DEPR Test Series, we suggest that you should adopt the following approach:
- Prepare Thoroughly Before Attempting the RBI DEPR Mock Test: For each Test, you would know the syllabus in advance. Hence, before attempting the Mock Test, prepare the topics in the syllabus as if you were going for the final exam.
- Attempt the RBI DEPR Mock Test with exam-like attitude : Be excited about the Mock Test and aim to score full marks in the Mock Test, only then will the exam-like adrenaline-rush be triggered. And that’s important to give you a true ‘exam-like’ feel. And I will be watching your performance from the back-end and might scold you if you fail to score as per your potential
- Learn from Your Mistakes: After completing each RBI DEPR Mock Test, sit down patiently to review the exam. You should go through the solutions of all questions, that is, both sets of questions: the ones which you’ve answered correctly and which you have answered incorrectly. Go through all the links and make a note of any important information you come across.
- Of course, you should pay special attention to the question you have answered incorrectly or did not attempt.
- Be holistic in your approach : For instance, if you answer a numerical on ‘Substitution-Effect’ wrong, then after reviewing its solution, you should go back and revise the entire concept,including the related diagrams. That is, revise the topic completely. If you follow this approach, you will see its benefits !
Remember, Your Subscription is Meant only for You !
We won’t say much on this, just that don’t get into any unfair methods at any stage. It will lead to termination of your subscription. No refund will be applicable in such cases.
Remember, you are allowed to use only a single device for login.The Test Portal will function only on a Laptop; hence please login only through a single Laptop. If you are required to change the Laptop at any time till RBI DEPR 2024 Phase-2 Exam, please drop us a telegram message.
Watch-Out for Typos !
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, some of the questions may contain typographical errors. Our experience suggests that in most of such cases, there will be no confusion and you will clearly know that there is an error. However, at any stage, if you doubt the authenticity of the question / answer / solution, please do not hesitate to drop us a telegram message to seek clarification.
Take Conscious Actions to Keep Growing !
When I was pursuing the 3rd year of my B.A.(H) Economics course,in one of the lectures of the subject ‘Economy, State and Society’, my professor had mentioned one sentence which I wouldn’t forget for the rest of my life: “Humans progress when they take CONSCIOUS actions.”
You know your preparation lagged in the previous year. Considering that this exam has become extremely competitive over the previous few years, an attempt given with ‘half-a-preparation’ may yield not yield any favourable results for you. In you are serious to crack the RBI DEPR Exam in your next attempt, it is best if you plan and practice well. Work hard, take out a minimum of 2-3 hours everyday for studies (irrespective of whether you are in a full-time job, pursuing PhD, etc.) and be consistent with practice.
We hope that you manage to do your best in the next attempt. If we can contribute something meaningful to assist your journey, we will feel privileged
Role of DEPR in RBI
The Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR) of the Reserve Bank is entrusted with the task of providing research inputs for policy-related decision making. The research agenda of RBI DEPR primarily focuses on macroeconomic challenges facing the Indian economy and covers multi-dimensional issues relating to monetary policy, growth and inflation dynamics, financial markets, forecasting of macroeconomic variables, banking sector, financial stability and external sector management.
RBI DEPR Exam Eligibility Criteria
For unreserved category, an Indian citizen meeting ALL 3 conditions is eligible for the RBI DEPR Exam : (1) A candidate who has not touched 30 years of age as on the cut-off date mentioned in official notification of that year (2) Has not completed 6 attempts at RBI Grade B DEPR Exam (3) Possesses a Master’s degree in Economics / Finance (or a related discipline) with at least 55% marks in aggregate. Of course, the usual relaxations apply.
RBI DEPR Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern
The exam consists of three phases: Phase-I, Phase-II, and Interview. At RBI DEPR Phase-I Exam , candidates have to answer objective type questions (i.e., MCQs) from Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,Statistics and Econometrics and descriptive questions (to be typed with the help of Keyboard) on English descriptive. At Phase-II,candidates have to answer 2 descriptive (to be typed with the help of Keyboard) papers on Economics (to be typed with the help of Keyboard). You can read the detailed syllabus here: RBI DEPR Exam Pattern and Syllabus
RBI DEPR Exam Online Course
Starting this year, We have incorporated our 3 years rich experience into crafting the Best Online Course for RBI DEPR Exam. It covers all subjects, including Statistics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance and Indian Economy. In case you are looking for the Best Online Course for RBI DEPR Exam , you can download Testonomics App to watch the 30 +Trial videos.